Performance Clinic - 
Continuous Build and Release Verification with Keptn Quality Gates


Automatic enforcement of Quality Gates is one of the core use case of keptn – an open source framework for continuous deploy, release and operations. Following the “quality gates as code” approach, keptn uses Pitometer to automate the validation of key quality, performance and scalability indicators and will come up with a deployment score that can be used to enforce automated quality gates or even for automated release verification in production.

In this Performance Clinic, Andreas Grabner will show you how Keptn Quality Gates work, how to define indicators for multiple data sources such as Dynatrace, Neoload, Prometheus and others. You will also learn how to integrate keptn Quality Gates into existing delivery pipelines such as Jenkins, Bamboo, Azure DevOps, Tekton, ArgoCD or others.

Also, make sure to have your questions ready as we are opening up for public Q&A at the end of the session!
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