Performance Clinic - 
Mastering Dynatrace Session and User Action Properties for Enhanced Business Analytics

Webinar On-demand

Dynatrace Real User Monitoring automatically captures every user, their behavior and lots of metadata such as geolocation, browser, timings and more. Session and User Action Properties are a new way to enhance this metadata with domain and business specific data that is relevant for your applications.

Join this Performance Clinic and hear from Klaus Enzenhofer, Technical Product Manager at Dynatrace, on how to feed additional business data from your own code execution or external monitoring tools such as Adobe or Google Analytics to Dynatrace. Klaus will do a hands-on walkthrough on configuration, analytics, and integration use cases such as leveraging the Dynatrace User Session Query Language (USQL) to integrate this data with other 3rd party business analytics tools.

Also, make sure to have your questions ready as we are opening up for public Q&A at the end of the session!

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