Performance Clinic: Automated Problem Remediation with Keptn & Dynatrace in 5 Minutes
You are asked to automate problem remediation based on Dynatrace detected problems to ensure your system stays within your defined SLOs but you don’t know yet how to achieve this?
Then join this session where Andreas Grabner will show you how to setup an automated problem remediation workflow using Keptn in 5 Minutes.
You will learn how to let Dynatrace send specific problems to Keptn, how to configure your remediation workflow and how Keptn then executes your Python, Bash Scripts, Webhooks or any other action to bring your system to a healthy state. You will also learn how Keptn not only executes remediation actions but also validates each remediation on whether it was successful or not by observing your relevant SLIs & SLOs.
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Andreas Grabner
DevOps Activist at Dynatrace