Performance Clinic - Building an SLO-based Quality Gate in 5 Minutes with Dynatrace & Keptn
Webinar On-demand
Service Level Objectives (SLOs) have become the industry standard for measuring the success of services in production. The open source project Keptn takes the concept of SLOs and shifts it left across the delivery pipeline to automate build & deployment validations. By integrating this capability as automated quality gates into your existing delivery and test automation processes you remove otherwise lengthy manual tasks.
In this Hands-On Performance Clinic Andreas Grabner, DevOps Activist at Dynatrace, will show you how to visually define your SLO-based quality gates using Dynatrace dashboards and how to let Keptn automate the evaluation of these SLOs every time you deploy a new build or run a new set of tests.
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Andreas Grabner
DevOps Activist at Dynatrace