Power Demo: Perfecting User Experience


Everybody knows that assessing a safe driver involves more than just tracking if they observe the speed limit.

But when it comes to digital experience management, most companies only track response time to gauge user satisfaction. At Dynatrace we know many more factors go into ensuring a great digital experience and are now leading the way with our recently released User Experience Score.

Join to learn: 

  • Why we created the User Experience (UX) Score
  • How the UX Score works and its key benefits
  • How this fits into the bigger picture of state-of-the-art digital experience management

Digital experience management, including our new UX Score, is a native part of the Dynatrace strategic software intelligence platform and once again you’ll meet Davis, our AI engine.

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Daniel Kaar
Dynatrace Expert
Daniel is passionate about application performance. He helps organizations around the globe to implement a modern, real user centric monitoring approach. Daniel has more than a decade of experience in software engineering in multiple industries and languages. He enjoys traveling, rare beef and never forgets to bring his camera.