Power Demo: Operationalize DevSecOps Automation with Dynatrace Application Security Solutions
While application development and deployment cycles have accelerated digital transformation, increased speed has brought increased security risks. In fact, more than half of CISOs believe that development teams simply lack time to scan and fix critical vulnerabilities, despite growth in adoption of “shift-left security” practices. Silos and manual processes have prevented organizations from realizing the promise of DevSecOps.
Join Robin Wyss, Lead Solution Engineer for a 30-minute Power Demo to learn how to accomplish the following with Dynatrace Application Security solutions:
- Foster collaboration and trust across development, security, and IT operations teams.
- Plug into existing tools and processes to intelligently automate the creation, assignment, and resolution of vulnerability tickets.
- Automatically notify the right stakeholders when new security problems are discovered.
- Establish security gates in your release process to ensure new critical vulnerabilities are not inadvertently introduced.
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Robin Wyss
Lead Solution Engineer at Dynatrace