Observability Clinic: Unlock the power of platform engineering with the new Dynatrace k8S experience


Kubernetes, known as the “platform for building platforms,” has been broadly adopted by enterprise organizations to run, manage, and orchestrate containerized environments at scale.

But this complex environment of interconnected technologies presents challenges related to visibility, resource utilization, security, orchestration, and collaboration. To tackle them, we built a solution for platform engineering teams to reduce complexity through automated workflows like auto-scaling, deployment validation, and anomaly remediation.

In this webinar, we’ll show how Dynatrace helps platform engineers gain invaluable insights into the health and status of their Kubernetes clusters. Henrik Rexed and Florian Geigl will walk you through the features and capabilities of the Dynatrace application, showcasing how it streamlines the diagnosis, analysis, and enhancement of Kubernetes resource definitions.

Join us to learn:

  • The diagnostic and optimization potential of the Dynatrace Kubernetes application
  • How Dynatrace query language helps you identify unoptimized resources
  • Example Dynatrace workflows to generate alerts if application teams aren’t respecting platform requirements
  • Ways to configure Dynatrace EdgeConnect

Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes professional or just diving into the world of container orchestration, join us for an illuminating session full of fresh insights and actionable strategies.

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Henrik Rexed
Cloud Native Advocate
Florian Geigl
Senior Product Manager