Dynatrace SaaS on Google Cloud

Hybrid, cloud-native environments are the driving force in digital transformation.
Together, Dynatrace and Google look to lead and accelerate cloud transformation.

As a part of this joint effort, the Dynatrace platform will be available on Google Cloud as a SaaS solution, providing customers all the benefits of Dynatrace’s underlying cloud-native, web-scale architecture. This will support organizations on their quest to accelerate innovation and tame cloud complexity.

With the Dynatrace platform on Google Cloud, organizations will have a seamless experience that includes:

  • Consolidated billing through the Google Cloud Marketplace
  • Ability to deliver Google Cloud logs and metrics to Dynatrace
  • Topology map of all Google Cloud, as well as multicloud, resources and services that are monitored by Dynatrace
  • Easy deployment of Dynatrace OneAgent to Google Cloud hosts, containers, PaaS, and web applications

Getting started with Dynatrace on Google Cloud has never been easier. Register to learn more on this initiative today.

For more information and resources on the value of Dynatrace and Google Cloud, please visit Dynatrace and Google Cloud Solutions.

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